modification minimalist retro honda legenda, this is the result of young children kraetif solo city Indonesia. named sapto. young graduates of this atw surakarta is active and making smart honda motorcycle display is beautiful legends for the view. honda legend once made a pan, when it was still in college. and participate in moncelo motorcycle club. for now he's making a retro bike because when it's in season, and the trend of motorcycle modification of the classic retro minimalist

"RETRO MINIMALIST CHAPTER ONE" (HONDA LEGEND '02) __Spesifikasi: chrom full retro mirror, plus a rope behind begel made in their own knitting, C-70 exhaust, alloy wheels wrapped with 17 rings swallow front tire rear tire 2:15 n 2:25 FDR plus white trim, giga discs, swing arm made in their own progress, supra n front shocbreker original rear, batteries made in his own box, 2 aseso: n engine oil temperature. striping by ruangsempit design, workshop by saptajayas modified