The car of three wheels are rather popular during the recent time, not a too great number of them are seen on the road. But, the production of Cirbin V 13R will change that, to going worse this articles will explain that. The low position and light weight should provide a rather good feeling by the corners while the effective engine of HD can give you a nice precipitation via your right foot. The body is glass fibre and the frame is steel tubular welded with a heavier zone of impact in the front one.
It comes with a full system from lighting including/understanding from the headlights with the high one and the low-beams and from the current lights day, of the signals of turn, the lights of brake and the reversed indicators. All is easily ordering of your seat of plac bucket in front of the engine. You have even a certain space of cargo in the front one. In fact it is not completely a car of three wheels. V 13R l' origin was presented last year to the association of the market of equipment of speciality (SOWED), but the production is placed to start very soon. Roadster-meet-trike is actuated by a v-twin 1250cc borrowed from the V-Stem of Harley Davidson. The power passes by a sequential transmission 5 speeds to the aft wheel.
It comes with a full system from lighting including/understanding from the headlights with the high one and the low-beams and from the current lights day, of the signals of turn, the lights of brake and the reversed indicators. All is easily ordering of your seat of plac bucket in front of the engine. You have even a certain space of cargo in the front one. In fact it is not completely a car of three wheels. V 13R l' origin was presented last year to the association of the market of equipment of speciality (SOWED), but the production is placed to start very soon. Roadster-meet-trike is actuated by a v-twin 1250cc borrowed from the V-Stem of Harley Davidson. The power passes by a sequential transmission 5 speeds to the aft wheel.