Modifications Yamaha Jupiter Z this time came from Jambi, precisely from the children's Automotive Motor Modifications Jambi (AM2J). Havis is Rasidin, which in addition to playing with a tachometer is now desperate to install it many carburettor Jupee King in it, 8 and 8 on the left again on the right. Not only that, in the middle of it add more tubes and carburettor mobil.Bukan only that, the head of the motor, Havis still wearing 3 pieces takometer. "Part of a 3 takometer," he said, yesterday (3 / 6).
Although other parts of the follow dimodif, Havis presumably can not be separated from the 'shadow' typical AM2J. 'Playing games' with takometer. "I dimanajeri by the Chairman," he said Faiz mention.
Motor property Havis also use this technique pengecatan water brush. With patterns realist theme, the color orange, he successfully created the atmosphere of Jupiter on the bright Z own.
In addition, Havis including pengedara that obey traffic regulations. Evidently, in part stangnya, he install a pair of spy. "Rearview mirror this camel's bicycle lights," he said while laughing.
Meanwhile, at the tire, sambungnya, Havis using standard motor other flat. Just for the front tire, he retell velg latest techniques and current trends start, velg hubles (velg without fingers).
To obtain forms, such as now, had to grope Havis pocket worth approximately Rp 3 million. And modification process takes only 3 minutes! About this, Havis revealed the reason why as soon as it can process modification own motor.